
[26/06/24] Trace Sampling Framework TraStrainer is awarded Distinguish Paper Award at FSE 2024.

[23/02/24] Request-level Fault Injection Framework MicroFI is accepted by TDSC. Congratulations to Hongyang Chen!

[23/01/24] Root Cause Change Analysis Framework ChangeRCA and Trace Sampling Framework TraStrainer are accepted by FSE 2024.

[28/07/23] Multi-modal Observability Data RCA Framework Nezha and Configuration Optimization Framework Diagconfig are accepted by FSE 2023.

[16/06/23] Automatic Power Management Framwork DeepPower and Automatic Network Root Cause Analysis Framework MARS are accepted by ICPP 2023.

[06/05/23] Delivering FaaS Function to Computing Continuum FrameworkFaaSDeliver is accepted by Transaction on Service Computing.

[16/12/22] Log Reduce Framework LogReducer is accepted by ICSE 2023.

[06/05/22] Guangba is awarded Tencent Rhino-Bird Research Elite Program and Tencent Special Scholarship in 2022.